Зерно Он-Лайн
4 марта 2025г., Вторник
Доска объявлений аграрного рынка в Казахстане

GP ABzal and Company offers rice of high quality

General Partnership “Abzal and Company” offers highly qualified, round-grained rice of different sorts, including sort “Marzhan” and sort “Yantar”.
Terms of payment: 100 % prepayment.
Terms of delivery: DAF border of Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia.
Price: sort “Marzhan” – 820 USD per tone
sort “Yantar” – 850 USD per tone

General Partnership “Abzal and Company” produces polished rice, milled polished rice in accordance with Kazakhstan 1020-2000 Standard, Russian GOST 6292-93 Standard and also has appropriate capacities to produce rice grits in accordance with international quality standards presented to rice. The Company realizes own production in all Regions throughout the country. Production is packed in colorful, qualitative materials and has the following packaging: 0, 5 kg, 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, and 25kg.
Rice is exported under “Elita” brand into the CIS countries: Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and so on.
Регионы: Казахстан
Категория Предложение, Сельхозкультуры
Автор Aigul
Телефон +7-7242-250101
Размещено 27.02.2012 07:07
Показов cегодня: 2, всего: 190
Обьявления в нашем мобильном приложении:
Объявление размещено на сельскохозяйственной доске объявлений в Казахстане

 Адрес объявления: https://kaz.zol.ru/Prodazha/Gp-abzal-and-company-offers-rice-of-high-quality_Prodam_2839576.html

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